There are three ways to register for camp: ONLINE, PHONE or MAIL.
Online registration can be found by clicking Register. Call 701-250-9964 to register and pay by credit card over the phone, or mail in a registration form.
Cross Training is not affiliated with any one school or church in the area. Each week of camp may differ in location so please review the Cross Training schedule or visit the web pages to find your appropriate camp times and location.
Cross Training will accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express. You can also pay by check or money order.Please do not mail in cash.
If your son or daughter becomes ill during camp, or becomes homesick, we will call you right away. Cross Training also keeps the database on location, so they have parents' home and work phone numbers.
Parents are welcome to call the Cross Training office, or the office at which the camp is being held at:
Cross Training - 250-9964
Shiloh Christian - 221-2104
YMCA - 255-1525
If you have registered for a session that includes lunch, campers can expect to eat well! Each day is handmade by our camp chef which includes a main course, salad bar and dessert! We also have the option of a sunbutter and jelly sandwich each day.
If your son or daughter is allergic to certain foods, please let the Cross Training administrator know ahead of time by calling 701-250-9964. We will make accommodations prior to the start date of camp.
Most of the coaches have not only grown up through the Cross Training program, but they have been trained and managed by years of experience. Specific camps like Individual Instruction and Overnight Extreme are higher caliber camps where coaches gather from all over the region to bring you the best instruction and camp experiences out there! You can expect only the best from the coaching team.
Cross Training is not affiliated with any one church or school. They are a non-denominational program that preaches the good news of Jesus Christ to all who will listen. Cross Training creates a positive environment for your child to grow and learn, without the pressures of any denominational title.
For more information about joining the Cross Training team of coaches, please email crosstraining@midconetwork.com or simply fill out an Application Form and return it to the Cross Training office.
Cross Training completely understands that times are tough right now, so here are a few ideas for fundraising your camp experience: Visit with your church pastor, send letters out to friends and family explaining this faith-based camp experience, or visit with your school to see if there are any scholarship opportunities available.
Any further questions not addressed through FAQ's please email crosstraining@midconetwork.com.